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Protein Facts - Your Health Benefits With Daily Consumption

Q: Why does the body need it?
A: Is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are 2 types of amino acids.
Nonessential amino acids; can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods we eat each day. The Essential amino acids; however must be obtained through the daily diet.

Has a number of important roles in the body, including:

Repair of body cells, build and repair muscles and bones (cellular level), provide a source of energy, regulate many important metabolic processes in the body

Q: What is Whey protein
A: Are high quality and nutritious dairy proteins. Milk contains 2 primary sources, Casein and Whey protein. When cheese is produced, the liquid whey separates from the "Curd" or Casein. They are then separated from the liquid whey and purified to various concentrations.

Explained below is the composition of milk:


FAT 30%


Q: Are all Whey Proteins alike?
A: The composition of products will vary based upon several factors including:

1. Source of milk
2. Method of Production
3. Type of Cheese being Produced
4. Individual Manufacturer Specifications

Q: What Individual Components are found in Whey?
A: Are not a single protein but consist of a number of individual protein components. In recent years new technology has enabled manufacturers to isolate and further purify some of these individual components. Many are now available in an isolated form. The following is a list of the individual components in whey protein.


Q: How does it compare to other sources?
A: Is a high quality Complete Protein containing all of the essential amino acids required by the body each and every day.

This is based upon several different methods that are used today to evaluate quality. No matter which method is used, whey proteins have been proven to be an excellent, pure source of protein!

It has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.14. The reported score of 1.0, which is the maximum value allowed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) The PDCAAS is the USDAs officially approved method of scoring protein quality.

Another method used to measure is the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER). Having a P.E.R of 3.2, making is one of the highest single sources proteins. The P.E.R rating is based upon the evaluation of the growth of animals consuming a fixed amount of dietary protein from a single source. As the PER increases, so does the quality.

Biological Value (BV) Another measure of quality, measures the amount that is retained from the absorbed protein for the maintenance and growth. It measures the fraction of the nitrogen in the diet that remains after the nitrogen losses in the waste products have been subtracted, they have a biological value of 100, which is higher than the value of Casein (milk Protein), soy protein, beef or gluten wheat.

Q: Should individuals with a lactose intolerance and or milk allergies avoid it?
A: At a concentration of 80%, contains between 5 -6% lactose, isolate contains less than 1% lactose. In many cases other dairy products (up to 2 cups per day) can also be well tolerated, provided they are consumed at meal time with other foods.

If a person is allergic to the milk source (less than 1% of the population) it is important to know if the allergic reaction is caused by the Casein, whey, or both. It is possible to be allergic to casein, but not to whey protein.

If you suspect that you are either lactose intolerant or allergic to milk sources, be on the safe side and consult with a physician to find out for sure.


As part of a healthy diet, provide a number of important benefits to the body, no matter what age. These situations include appetite suppression, cholesterol reduction, and the inhibition of dental plaque. More information is becoming readily available as the research continues in these areas.

Infant Nutrition

Whey Proteins contain many of the components found in mothers milk and for this reason are a key ingredient in infant formula. While breast feeding is the preferred option, infant formulas containing whey proteins are the next bets thing when breast feeding isn't possible. Are also an excellent source for expectant mothers, as pregnancy increases the bodies needs by up to 33%

For Active Teens and Health Adults

Are complete and supply the body with all of the essential amino acids required for good health. individuals with active lifestyles require protein throughout the day to maintain a high degree of energy.

Nutrition for the Athlete

Are one of the best sources known of branched-chain amino acids. These are important to athletes as they metabolize directly into muscle tissue unlike other amino acids that are metabolized into the liver. various forms of exercise increase the body's need for Branched-Chain Amino Acids and whey protein can help that need. Whey proteins have long been used by athletes following strenuous activity to help the body repair and rebuild muscle tissue. individuals engaging in regular, strenuous exercise need more than those with a less active lifestyle and are often the favoured choice.

Nutrition for the elderly

Are an ideal source containing essential amino acids for elderly individuals, especially those with declining appetites. They provide energy to the body and a boost to the immune system. Another great benefit is their ability to prevent bone loss in elderly individuals. A recent study conducted at Boston University showed that elderly individuals who consumed low levels of protein had a significant loss of bone, especially in the hip and spine four years after the study. A daily diet including the recommended amount can help keep bones healthy and strong as the body ages. Whey proteins are also an ideal choice in situations where the individuals are facing specific medical challenges.

A Compromised Immune System.

Numerous studies have shown that whey proteins help enhance the bodies immune system by raising glutathione levels. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant with the ability to help the body reduce risk of infections by improving the responsive ability of the immune system.

Individuals with HIV often have reduced levels of glutathione, which negatively affects their immune system. These individuals need a "Boost" to their immune system and can get that by consuming a diet rich in Whey proteins.

Cancer Patients

Cancer patients undergoing Radiation or Chemotherapy often have difficulty in meeting their daily nutritional requirements due to nausea and lack of appetite. Whey proteins are a great source for cancer patients as they are easy to digest and gently to the system. This is important as cancer patients often have poor appetites and can suffer from protein malnutrition.

Whey proteins have been shown through animal studies to inhibit the growth of Breast Cancer tumors. IMPORTANT RESEARCH CONTINUES IN THE IS AREA!

Individuals with high blood pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension is one of the leading causes of heart disease and stroke. Studies have shown that HYDROLYZED WHEY Protein Isolates assist in reducing the blood pressure of hypertensive individuals by inhibiting ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme). Without ACE, the changes in the body that result in hypertension cannot occur. Research also continues in this area!

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* This article was originally published here Press Release Distribution

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